Friday, September 19, 2008

On Faith

What is it to have faith?

Is it to claim belief in something and then expect that something to bring forth fruit every time you ask? Is it to believe that control is (in the grand scheme of things) not ours to posses and a subsequent relinquishing of hope for personal gain and accomplishment? Is faith death to all things earthly and new life in all things spiritual? Is faith governed by laws of reciprocity and thereby rewarded with the opportunity to further good works while weaving our way through this mortal coil? Or, is it governed by laws of righteousness that hold a standard so high that our only hope is to dive into the brightly lit water of life and go with the current?

Again, in my walk, I have found more questions regarding this than I have finite answers....proving (at least in accordance with my very narrow self interest) that God will not be compartmentalized.
What I am finding is that a faith matured is scaled and polished by the fires of trial. These fires are custom made for the purpose of burning away that which you (I) would hold onto most dearly. For me, family welfare, financial stability, and (I have been sad to realize) preconceived notions of how God works.

Through the course of these trials (and let me quickly mention, that in direct comparison to the trials of those in the Sudan and around the undeveloped world - I gladly accept the fire in which I find myself) I have learned a couple of truths thus far.

The first is from whom the fire's ability to shape my life comes. You see if I really believe (have abundant faith in what I say I do) then the logical becomes completely unfathomable. Though the fire does not come from my creator, as a living stone, it is used by Him to eradicate remnants of my original programming.

Therefore, as weapons are formed against me, in accordance with the covenants of God made applicable through my faith in Christ Jesus, they shall not prosper. Indeed, they are made to be worked for good in my life....and I believe that they will.

So, for me (today, at least) faith is my personal rationale for choosing to hold onto Christ and the promises of God through my redeemer, and letting go of everything else.

He asks me if I believe that He is able to do this (fulfill his promise...not of comfort and justice, but of deliverance and sustainment)? In faith, I say yes.

It kind of feels like what I imagine hang gliding would.

The other truth that I have learned (and at the ripe old age of 30, I anticipate many more down the road) is that God is indeed love. Real love as is defined biblically over and over again as the sort of love that you are drawn to never let go, because it will never let go of you. Our generalized misconception of this sort of all-forgiving love is that it's waters are comfortable for swimming in at any time.

I have found that when the waters are heated by the fires of trial they are anything but. God is love and his love is perfect. Perfect has limited tolerance for that which is not perfect, especially as we progress in our personal walk. So, the flames arise and even the waters that once provided the only haven from the torment of this world become unbearably hot.

And, so I am entered into a season of faith's perfection. And, I am learning that (as is the nature of God) faith will not be compartmentalized by any one just is.

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