Friday, September 19, 2008

On Contradiction

Stepping off of the train this morning, I paused to ponder the ridiculous qualities inherent in the content of my character. To the naked eye I was just another suit in uptown Charlotte. Exiting public transport at the banking center stop reserved for power ties and man bags, I must have appeared to be just another financial professional clinging to the hope of an upward market swing. But, there was the issue of the Bible clutched in one hand, which could have lended to a notion that times are desperate on the Street. A closer examination would have eliminated that theory due to the Hailey's Bible Handbook and Cigar Caddy accompanying the slightly worn leather binding of the NASB translation. All of these evidence that would indicate me to be one of Charlotte's many "Christian" business leaders, somehow immune to the rising gas prices and insulated from the recent job cuts rampant in an industry's who's chickens truly are coming home to roost. This evidence would point to a high ranking position and would indicate that I was probably on my way to or from a small study and prayer group full of other high ranking position holders, all of us stepping over each other and anyone else as we climbed a corporate ladder. Hypocrisy had become a rationalized cost of doing business, never mind what the books I was carrying had to say on the issue.

The profile created by this evidence would lead a cultural observer to leap to seemingly certain conclusions; schools attended, political affiliations, and music preferences. All of which no doubt skewing conservative.

These conclusions were all too present in my mind as I considered the dichotomy of that which is real and that which is illusion. As Frank Black lept into his screeching vamp of semi-audible indie punk tirades through the blue tooth headset strapped tightly to my ears, I considered the potential rip in the Christian and political arenas down the lines of race. I was reminded that America was never meant be seen in black and white clarity. We appear clearer when gazed upon through the timeless murky shades of red, white and blue.

As I walked briskly, late for my weekly management meetings at an upstart media company insulated from recent economic troubles by faith alone, I noticed the recently swept grey sidewalk flanked by the well manicured shades of green that masked the concrete oasis which is home to well managed shades of the same color.
I considered the rhetoric. Pontifications, followed by platitudes finally giving way to proposals that would probably never become reality. The radio interviews, rallies, campaign stops, and controversy. I considered the tone of their voices when answering questions over the airwaves that I managed, and I contrasted those same voice's tones when delivering speeches to crowds that brought adoration absent of scrutiny...and made my decision.
I approach all of these decisions prayerfully and with much thought. I only hope those thoughts have not been clouded by the ever present greenery.

I am voting for Obama in the NC primary later today.

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