Saturday, January 9, 2010

3 Things

I finally saw The Solist last night. Great movie (aside from the over-the-top characature of Christian musicians) and it reminded me of the following:

1) As long as man is able to recognize, arrange and perfect the relationship between musical tones and dynamics, then there will always be proof of a creator to me. Mankind's ability to find beauty in proportion, ratio and relationship in the realms of nature, music, architecture and art proves the existence of God to me. There is no explanation in the argument of evolution that accounts for our ability to gaze longingly and curiously at the heavens...and there is certainly no "survival of the fittest" facet inherent in our ability to differentiate between harmony and dissonance.

2) Music along with laughter are the only acceptable forms of spiritual currency.

3) This world is impossibly broken. Positive personal relationship (in spite of our brokeness) is the only thing that can put the pieces back togehter. And, we will never get anywhere as a species until we honor that from which relationship originates. In the realm of eternity, nothing can relate to anything without an orginating point to begin the process.

Beauty is grace...unearned favor...a friend who refuses to give up. I'd say The Soloist made this point quite clearly.

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