Thursday, February 26, 2009

Olde Providence Talent Show 2009

Those who frequent this blog are aware of my parental conundrum.  Though I sincerely disdain the annual "notes" that families send out at Christmas that serve as a recap of little Susie and Johnny's year (and make you feel like a completely inadequate parent at the same time),  I find myself engaged more frequently in what has become the electronic version of said "notes".

OK, there is your warning...venture no further if you prefer not to be subjected to parental pride (and that is sizing up my children to others here...we are entirely too short a breed to taunt).

She-who-must-be-obeyed and I are beeming with pride tonight.  Our oldest daughter, Lilly Rae (no we did not intentionally pick a name that rhymes with Eddie Murphy's character in Trading Places, but we have begun her karate-man training), performed in the annual school talent show. The most difficult part for her was choosing which talent to showcase.  She is an award winning author, pianist and naturally she chose to do a cheeleading/jumprope routine?!